Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Huckabee Earns Flaming Bag Of Poo Award For Urging Felony Attacks On Voters!

A Flaming Bag of Poo
and a Cartoon Drawing
Congratulations to Fox News Commentator and failed Republican Presidential nominaee Michael Huckabee for urging people to attack the cars of their political opponents!
This remarkably straightforward admission that he cannot win without using violence to pervert the political process earns him the Flaming Bag Of Poo Award for Mid-October 2011.
Only a real bag of sh1t would tell people to damage cars of their political opponents, but Michael is not just any bag of poo - he pretends to be a follower of Jesus Christ. For the record, Jesus never let the air out of anyone's tires (although he did whip the moneychangers that Michael Huckabee now serves).
Slasher Michael's exact words:
“...you just make sure that they don’t go vote.  Let the air out of their tires on election day.  ....  That’s up to you how you creatively get the job done.”

Monday, October 10, 2011

King Peter Will Save Us From Democracy!

Conferring With A Flaming Bag of Poo
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) denounced Occupy Wall Street protesters as a "ragtag mob" and "anarchists" during a Friday radio show.
"The fact is these people are anarchists. They have no idea what they're doing out there," King said. "They have no sense of purpose other than a basically anti-American tone and anti-capitalist. It's a ragtag mob basically." 
“We have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy,” he added “I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.” 
King is absolutely right! Letting people shape policy led to the horrors of Civil Rights, in which people who don't have a proper pale complex vote! It also led to our abandonng a land war in Asia that we could still be fighting today if it weren't for media coverage of the majority of Americans opposed to it. Remember: if we were still fighting in Vietnam, we wouldn't have the troops to be fighting a war in Afghanistan - and wouldn't that be good for everyone! 
The Republican Party is having a lot of trouble finding a Presidential candidate who doesn't blurt out "Vaccinations Cause Mental Retardation!"  or "Corporations Are People, My Friend!"
Peter King is the answer! He's unafraid to state plainly what the problem is: the 1960s got too many people voting. Too much democracy is a problem for the better sort of people, who deserve to be running our nation because (A) they wear suits; (B) they are kind of pale; and (C) they have most of the money.
King's straightforward and honest demand that the media not to report on news that could lead to an outbreak of democracy makes him the logical candidate for the Republican Nomination for President in 2012. He's exactly the man America needs to save itself from the unsavory 99%.
I would be happy to be his running mate - I want to be Peter King's #2 because with King in charge, all America will be deep in Number Two!
Why vote for a President when you can have a King? Vote King/Poo in 2012!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Gessler Poops On Troops! (#GOP war on voting victory!)

The Biggest Flaming Sack
of Poo in Colorado
Scott Gessler Poops
on the Troops!
Congratulate Colorado Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler for blocking dozens of servicemembers serving in combat from voting!

Gessler is suing to block plans by Pueblo County to mail ballots to 64 voters who are overseas in combat. His reasoning is that those 64 voters didn't vote in 2010, and therefore they might not be valid voters! They need to leave combat and go to the county clerk's office to prove that they aren't dead or illegal aliens.

Gessler has a point. Millions of illegal aliens have snuck into our armed forces and got sent into combat just so they can vote in the 2012 election! I congratulate Gessler and his brave Republicans who (although not interested in risking their health in combat themselves) are still courageously blocking combat troops from potentially casting a ballot.
I may be a flaming bag of poop, but I am completely overwhelmed by the majestically huge stinking sack of flaming shit that is Colorado Secretary of State Gessler!